Ippodamou 13, Larisa, 41448, Greece
Ippodamou 13, Larisa, 41448, Greece

KA220-SCH-000032619, EARS

EARS, Educational Agreement as a Response to Schooldropout

Code ID: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000032619

Overall objective of the project EARS is to produce a set of procedures that can be actionable at the single school level. A structured interaction with the full range of actors usually involved in school-dispersion issues, in each specific administrative context (i.e. the local health authorities, local councils, social cooperatives and volunteer associations, labour-market operators, mutual assistance entities, community police, NGOs, etc. according to the context) and throughout each partner’s territory will allow us to develop deeply integrated procedures to support the young people with significant school-dispersion risks, also considering those associated with the pandemic. The project will reach its main
scope through the following specific objectives:

1. Co-design of a common action protocol between the partnering entities, summarizing and improving the single regional practices already in place. This “enhanced” best practice exchange will produce a set of spaces, initiatives and activities through which to offer first and second level guidance and information services to all piloting school users, as well as counselling and psycho-pedagogical support services empowered by the support of a digital profiling tool to inform, raise awareness and contrast drop-outs and potential drop-outs.

2. Improve the effectiveness of the digital profiling tools to inform about life and career possibilities within and outside the territory. Building and validation of a fully working prototype of the profiling tool will be subsequent to a full year of project’s piloting, with a long observation phase by the partner in charge of the digital work, in order to build a tool that actually matches the needs of the target groups.

3. Training on the procedures, tools and competences needed by teachers and administrative
staff to closely follow up on high risk students, leaning on the three pillars of the programme:

1. Learn the Future;

2. Local and EU Labour-Market;

3. Family Involvement. Materialization of stimulating workplace environments as well as
widespread interventions, in the form of seminars / workshops.

4. To advocate the results in dialogue with major sectoral stakeholders, promoting it at a European level, synergically with the new standardization tools developed by CEDEFOP.

Applicant organisation/Partner organisation

OID Legal name Country Region City Website
Italy EmiliaRomagna Copparo www.cfpcesta.com
Spain Cataluña Banyoles www.wusmed.org
LARISA http://www.siseragreece.com
Open Up, Greek
Association of

HERTOGENBOSCH www.s-hertogenbosch.nl
E10141027 TIRANTES Netherlands NoordBrabant ‘s-Hertogenbosch www.tirantes.nl
EDULIFELONG Romania Sud-Vest
Oltenia TARGU JIU http://asociatiaedulifelong.wixsite.com/asociatiaedulE10057580
Poland RZESZOW danmar-computers.com.pl
Italy EmiliaRomagna COPPARO (FE) www.iccopparo.edu.it


In relation to the specific actions that will be carried on under the “Project Management & Implementation” budget line, here follows a non-exhaustive list:

● General management by CFP CESTA as a coordinator will be based on the work
plan and the detailed Gantt Chart presented and shared during the kick-off meeting. This activity will take place
throughout the entire duration of the project (M1-M36).

● Administrative management by CFP CESTA as a coordinator
and all partner organizations, for the correct management of expenses and the production of supporting documents, will
include the support for “Interim and Final Reports”, with a follow-up for the presentation of the Final Report to the
Erasmus+ National Agency INDIRE.

● Realization of a “Communication and Dissemination Plan” by Asociatia
Edulifelong (RO) with active involvement of all partner organisations. This activity will include the support in the planning
of four multiplier events.

● Dissemination events in the countries involved, including production of visual, textual, graphic
and other materials aimed at promotion and dissemination of the project online, as well as the management of the EARS
social media. This activity will take place throughout the entire duration of the project (M1-M36).

● Drafting,
dissemination and processing of the call for the expression of interest targeted to piloting schools in each of the partnering
countries, with the assistance of each local partner in the outreach activities.

● Realization of the “Monitoring and
Evaluation Plan” by SISERA (EL) with data collection tool and further detailing of the project’s KPI. EARS is designed to
have a 4 phase structure. All project results and training activities might be conceptually categorized under one of the four
project phases:

Phase 1 – Research,

Phase 2 – Development,

Phase 3 – Pilot, and

Phase 4 – Validation and advocacy.


R.1 EARS 5-Countries Anti-Dropout Pilot Protocol The project foresees the realisation of an anti-dropout protocol produced and shared among the EARS partners, stemming from a contextual adaptation of procedures, tools and competences needed by teachers and education providers to contrast early school leaving. The propaedeutic identification and standardization of common solutions, actionable at the school-level will be the core of the co-design work. R.2 EARS Digital Guidance Tool The project foresees the realisation of a “EARS Digital Guidance Tool” codesigned and shared among the stakeholders. The shared platform will host career and education orientation informative materials responsive to the TG user (TR2.2 service map); by tailoring the pathways using step-by-step questionnaires
and interactive material leading to the informative static and/or A/V materials according to the TG user’s current situation, expectations and desires for the future. R.3 Impact Research The objective of the R.3 is to comparatively analyse the situation of school dispersion in European Countries and examine the issue of tackling this issue in a holistic approach.
The main aims of the study are to examine the theoretical background on whether and how social inequalities are reflected in the school dispersion, whether the education system can overcome these distinctions by developing certain
central educational policies, what are the effective practices of tackling the phenomenon of school dispersion and by which innovative supporting methods. R.4 Scheme of Engagement for Teachers and Admin Staff R.4 is a 3-months, intensive work session related to the production of a scheme for the application of the programme in schools, and especially to the engagement of teachers and administrative staff in pilot schools. The most important feature of this WP is the relation it has with other results, tasks and timelines, which are detailed in the subsequent section. The design of
the training material will follow ECVET guidelines and standards, in order to ease its transferability and scale-up. R.5 Pilot
Anti-Dropout Program 1-Y and 2-Y The program will be executed based on the results of the protocol and developed
training strategies to bridge education and career pathways as a result of a know-how exchange between partners (so, in
other words, R.1 and R.4). The pilot will be actuated as a timetabled series of events, study visits, structured workshops
and unilateral info days, leaning on the three pillars of the programme: 1. Learn the Future; 2. Local and EU LabourMarket; 3. Family Involvement. R.6 Experimental Micro-Pilot for Younger Students (TG4): Anti-dropout Prevention The
activity foresees the involvement of a younger target group in an anti-dropout program, tailored at experimenting methods
to connect with students at an early stage, targeting the 11-14 years old age range. The delivery of the micro-pilot will be
based on results and faults of the Pilot Anti-dropout Program 1-Y execution, as analysed and co-reviewed by the EARS
Research Unit after the first iteration of the activities. The experimental activity is intended to address the matter of
prevention in school dropouts by observing the effects on a younger target to expect a further contribution to decreasing
indicators on early school leaving as a desirable impact. C.1 Training for Teachers and Admin Staff The C.1. learning activity will take place after the research phase, and allow the professionals belonging to the partnering organization to further assimilate the R.1 output developed by their colleagues of the EARS Research Unit. Training courses must be
divided into two sub-sections: – C.1.1 Anti-dropout strategies and techniques; – C.1.2 Anti-dropout strategies and techniques + EARS Guidance Tool.